My highest multiple intelligences are people smart, word smart and body smart.
As you can see the word "problems?", "help!, "questions?" and the bull horn. I did that to show people smart, like I always listen to others and speak to them, give them advice.
For bull horn, it shows that I can be aggressive when I'm talking back to give them advice and start my opinion, not always aggressive lol, I'm gentle!
The bulb is to show that when I get an idea in my head, I react and become active.
For body smart, you can see images inside the bubbles and it's about body language. You can see that I enjoy beng active and healthy. Scissors, colour pencils and glue is for crafts and I enjoy doing things with my hands.
Math equation is for intelligence in general. I'm good memorizing names, dates, places and solving problems.
The feather is to show that I'm sensitive to the world around me through my skin and sense of touch.